Stallholder Search
Rejuvenate - doTerra / Nikken / Reflexology / ATT
- Contact Name:
- Linda Cook
- Company:
- Rejuvenate
- County:
- Lancashire, West Yorkshire
- Postcode:
- PR7 1QU
- Daytime Phone:
- 07815444781
- Evening Phone:
- 07815444781
- Available For:
- Daytime Events, Evening Events, Events / Stalls, Home Parties / Party Plan, Sales or Services Enquiries
- Company Represented:
- Email:
- Website:
Holistic Wellness advocate and therapist. Fully trained in Reflexology and the AromaTouch Technique. As well as offering these therapies I teach classes incorporating Essential oils in the home to replace toxic cleaning chemicals, bath and body products and for healthier cooking and even pharmaceuticals.
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