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It's free to add your event to Stallfinder where it will be instantly searchable by county, month, event type, keyword or distance from postcode. Just click on one of the buttons below and complete the form in only a couple of minutes. As soon as we've verified the content, your advert will be listed on Stallfinder and viewable UK wide. The listing will be viewed by both potential stallholders and the general public so please include all relevant information e.g times, entry price, stall availability, size and cost. 

N.B. Stallfinder only lists events that are relevant to our site i.e. events with multiple stallholders like fairs, fetes etc. Please do NOT add events without stallholders, your business listing or business opportunity, open houses or events showcasing just one business or stallholder, online sales, shops or fixed/permanent/long-term retail space or markets, details of clubs, classes, courses, workshops, talks, networking events or groups, gigs etc. Also, we will not list events promoting dangerous weapons.

Please do not add an event that is already listed on Stallfinder. If you are unsure, please contact us before adding your event.  We have other advertising options available - full details can be seen here http://www.stallfinder.com/advice-advertising/

Please read our Terms and Conditions, which can be found at the foot of this page, before adding your event.

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